Everything Wrong With...

If you are not familiar with Cinema Sins or their Everything Wrong With (Movie Sins) series, you have been missing out!!

Too much time on their hands? Hell, yes!! Their video shorts, though, are delightfully creative and wicked fun for any movie buff. I have been watching them for years and am a subscriber to their YouTube channel. I look forward to each new installment and episode.

Here are a few video shorts from Cinema Sin. They are well worth the view. For a deeper dive into the Everything Wrong With series, follow the paper trail below. Then, explore the other series, including:

  • How To Make A Film
  • What's The Damage
  • Conversations With Myself
  • Movie Recipes

Everything Wrong With Prometheus

Everything Wrong With Nine 1/2 Weeks

Everything Wrong With Guardians Of The Galaxy

Everything Wrong With The Fifth Element

Everything Wrong With Goldfinger

Everything Wrong With The Avengers

Paper Trail: